Thursday, July 9, 2009

More Problems for Chicago 2016: This Time Because of USOC

Tribune today recaps another set back for Chicago's 2016 team. This time it's because of a TV contract that was negotiated by the USOC (United States Olympic Committee) against the will of the IOC (International Olympic Committee):
The IOC is upset that the USOC, which would reap huge financial benefits from a Chicago Summer Games, went ahead Wednesday with an announcement about its Olympic television network launch with Comcast, despite the IOC's advice to wait until contractual issues were resolved.

The dispute boils down to what impact the U.S. Olympic Network will have on IOC cash cow NBC, the network of the Olympics in the United States through 2012, and to a long-standing question about marketing rights and use of Olympic marks that 1978 federal legislation granted the USOC.
Like we've been saying...this is a game of politics and big money. Who knows if this will sink Chicago's ship, if nothing else it's at least a small leak in the boat.

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