Things are good at one of our favorite spots in the Sloop,
Flo & Santos (1310 S. Wabash). If you're a loyal reader of Sloopin you probably remember
a post we did last year confirming that Flo's was expanding their restaurant space back to the alley.
Upon a recent visit we had a chance to take a peek at the space. The structural components are all done and from what we've been told they're now going to work on the inside. When it's all said and done it will be a much bigger space. The intention is to keep the look and feel very similar to what's already been established in the front of building.
Beyond the expansion back, there have been rumors swirling around the neighborhood about a beer garden next door on the vacant space. While we can't confirm that this is definitely happening, signs point in that direction. First off, if you've been to the restaurant or walked down Wabash you've probably noticed that their outdoor space has been expanded to include the sidewalk space in-front of the vacant lot:
Expanded outdoor seating at Flo & Santos a sign of things to come? |
What does this mean? We will let you read between the lines...
Beyond the changes to the space, we continue to be impressed with the most important thing at any restaurant, the food. Every time we go we've had the luxury of trying something new. This time it was the "Flying Pork Wings". All we can say was wow! Amazingly tender and left us wanting more.