However to sum up, this is a new restaurant that is going in next to Gioco at the old Howie's spot (1310 S. Wabash). Although their website is live, there is only a logo. We're not 100% sure, but we've heard and suspect that this spot has some relationship with Zapatista across the street (ie the owner of Zapatista is partially behind this new restaurant).
Regardless, should be a good addition to the hood!
This is great news! Will be nice to have an alternative to Subway or Jimmy John's for casual food within walking distance.
I never made it to Howie's. How big is the space? Are we talking a little hole in the wall or an actual pub?
As long as the owners of utopia/exposure have nothing to do with this, it excites me.
Is Utopia still open? I see they never did get a permanent sign, the Exposure signs remain visible. What were/are the gripes with that place?
Gripes with utopia/exposure are too numerous to put into words. You'll have to go once and see for yourself. Put it this way: it's not surprising to anyone that has ever tried to eat there that they are too lazy to actually have their outdoor signage correct.
Understood. I'll keep going to Zapatista instead. Another solid find for me is Franconello's over on Halsted. Great Italian food!
I'll keep going to Zapatista instead.
I'm sure you will.
Very excited! I'm sure they'll rehab the inside. Howie's was way too casual.
Keep it up FGFM, more non-sense. No value added as usual.
Wonder if they'll be serving any type of breakfast items?
Keep it up FGFM, more non-sense. No value added as usual.
Nice to see that you are still butt-hurt.
Article on Thrillist just posted today for Flo & Santos. Pizza + Beer I can live with.
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