A local Chicago architecture blog
highlights the beauty of the Second Presbyterian Church which is at the corner of Cullerton and Michigan Avenue (1936 S. Michigan Avenue):
This Gothic Revival-style church was designed by a prominent New York architect James Renwirk. When the church was built, the surrounding streets, including Prairie Avenue, were lined with the homes of wealthy Chicagoans. Members of the congregation included the Glessners, the Pullmans, and the widow of President Abraham Lincoln.
When a fire in 1900, destroyed a large portion of the sanctuary, the congregation hired architect Howard Van Doren Shaw to redesign the interior. He transformed the tall, narrow Gothic space into Arts-&-Crafts style interior with liberal use of dark oak and plaster reliefs. Artist Frederic Clay Bartlett created murals in the balcony arches and the large "Tree of Life" mural that decorates the front wall of the church. It has nine windows designed by Tiffany.
The Second Presbyterian Church is an arts and architecture masterpiece and a historic and cultural treasure. However it needs massive preservation and restoration efforts. In 2006, "Friends of Historic Second Church", a non-profit organization was established to spearhead the restoration efforts ..
The blog also does a great job of highlighting other architecture throughout the South Loop (ie - Motor Row, Glessner House, the Chicago Firehouse, Michigan Avenue etc.).
This is such a beautiful and historic spot. It's too bad that the corner it sits on now has to be patrolled by a round-the-clock CPD blue light camera. This beauty deserves a far better neighbor than the "project" across the street.
Thanks for the link to the Chicago Architecture and Cityscape site. There are great photographs of important south loop buildings along with their histories.
I agree with anon poster #1, this building is gorgeous. It's beauty is dampened by the housing projects across the street, the ever-flashing police camera, and the throngs of deviants that hang all over its corner. If this building were in a better location it would be a "can't miss" tourist destination.
Name me one area of the city that hasn't changed drastically (for better or worse) over the last 100+ years.
South Michigan Ave. was a rich person's paradise but now it's not . . . deal with it.
Either actively participate in something that cleans up the neighborhood or cram a sock in it.
So Lance, do tell all of us how and what you do to actively cleaning up the neighborhood, so we can join.
My point exactly, any anonymous yutz can opine and bitch about the situation but doing something about it is another matter completely.
But, by all means, continue to complain about things and offer nothing constructive. You're boring but easily ignored.
Again, Lance, do tell all of us how and what you do to actively cleaning up the neighborhood, so we can join the cause you are leading or participating in?
Let's hear your ideas to address the issues raised at this location. Are we to accept things as is?
Do not underestimate the problem for this location; it is impacting the safety to walk to various restaurants, transit stops, etc. Are we to accept things as is? Let's hear your assessment and solution.
The operation of 2001 S. Michigan (Long Grove House - run by HAbitat Company) and 2101 S. Michigan (run by Metroplex, Inc) is not helping the neighborhood, and is in fact getting worse as they take on more Section 8's. Ironically, Longrove House (2001 S. Michigan - Mich Ave Associates LLC) just happened be granted win $3MM-$4MM in Federal Stimulus grants. Care to guess who is the former CEO of Habitat Company who runs 2001 S. Michigan? None other than White House insider Vallarie Jarret (former CEO)...good thing Obama promised hope and change.
I'm not the one doing all the complaining about the area in question. The issues you raise (Ad nauseam) are nothing I can't live/deal with. Crime goes down, crime goes up . . . people with nothing better to do just point fingers from their soapbox.
I worked/resided in Baltimore for years. You want to see what a real shame looks like, visit Edgar Allen Poe's home and gravesite there. Chicago is a virtual paradise in comparison . . . I've never been mugged, robbed or assaulted here.
You want to know what I'm doing to make things better? Looking out for my next door neighbors, calling the cops on miscreants when needed, generally keeping my own nose clean and staying true to my own level of personal accountability.
Actually, Lance, you have also attacked anyone on this blog that has ever raised safety or quality of life concerns by claiming that all concerned citizens are "uptight racist caucasians."
Safety in this neighborhood is becoming a major concern - especially with the housing projects at 21st and Michigan and 20th and Indiana now busting at the seems with former Ickes and Robert Taylor residents. There was ANOTHER drive-by killing and Bronzeville last night and two drive-by kilings in Englewood yesterday afternoon. These neighborhoods are way too close for comfort to the South Loop.
Tell us, Lance, what are you doing to ensure that these animals don't drive by 21st and Michigan or 20th and Indiana?
I've attacked no one . . . sorry you can't deal with an opposing viewpoint.
And don't confuse me with your Mayor/Alderperson/Police Super . . . they're the one's who can best address your concerns
Actually, Lance, I've never seen anyone take such offense to a differing point-of-view than you. And, yes, you have made racially-driven attacks on "caucasions" on this blog. Nice back-peddling.
You guys ought to save the "deviants" and "animals" rhetoric along with the semi-literate screeds against Obama's associates for Second City Cop, don't you think?
Couldn't agree with you more, FGFM. Seems like a lot of anon posters here like the sound of their own voice. This isn't really the optimal forum for peoples social diatribes.
Funny, I thought this was a community forum. If we allow this neighborhood to fall prey to the animals and deviants, there won't be much of a "community" left. (See Englewood, Ashburn, etc.)
Hence, I think voicing concerns over the rising criminal element in this area is of critical importance on this blog.
Plus, aren't we all 'anonymous' on here? Even those of you that post your "names"?
Funny, I thought this was a community forum. If we allow this neighborhood to fall prey to the animals and deviants, there won't be much of a "community" left.
I hate to break the news to you, but Long Grove House and that other Section 8 building were there long before most of the other residential buildings in the area were built. The area shifted to residential from commercial in spite of their existence. And while you might be able to get away with using that sort of racist rhetoric on other forums without a rebuttal, I'm going to call it out on this one when I see it. I'd use my real name on here, but I don't need someone pulling my public records and harassing my family because I don't agree with his reactionary world view. The only community we share is the one where my peers and I are the hosts and you and yours are the parasites.
Once again, please be aware that calling someone concerned about safety and neighborhood sustainability a "parasite" is helping nobody.
Further, LONG before the Section 8 voucher program was enacted in 1991, this neighborhood did contain many beautiful residential dwellings in spite of you "and your peers."
Moreover, I would like to thank you for your thoughtful and insightful attacks. It clears up a lot of questions I had about how certain nearby communities have allowed themselves to become war zones.
Once again, please be aware that calling someone concerned about safety and neighborhood sustainability a "parasite" is helping nobody.
Unlike referring to people as "animals" and "deviants," of course.
this neighborhood did contain many beautiful residential dwellings in spite of you "and your peers."
You probably couldn't afford to buy my place, but nice try at moving the goalposts from "most" to "many."
It clears up a lot of questions I had about how certain nearby communities have allowed themselves to become war zones.
The only language we have in common is violence, so share your crackpot theories with someone who cares.
FGFM "I hate to break the news to you, but Long Grove House and that other Section 8 building were there long before most of the other residential buildings in the area were built. The area shifted to residential from commercial in spite of their existence"
Sorry to break it to you, but even former and current long time residents will tell you how much of a problem it is compared to previous years, and complain at the Beat 134 meetings all the time. It is not a police problem though. While the rest of the neighborhood around them get's better and improved, the operation inside gets more problematic. Take time to talk to some of the good and proud residents there.
So your 'racist rhetoric' holds no water. That's like dumb comments from leaders calling for us to reduce black on black crime....what?
So your 'racist rhetoric' holds no water. That's like dumb comments from leaders calling for us to reduce black on black crime....what?
Whatever you say, copper.
Not everyone that complains about crime is a cop (civilized communities and cultures do not employ the 'don't snitch' mantra). Similarly, not everyone who voices concerns over community saftey is a racist.
Lastly, Lance/FGFM, you can argue and attempt to justify your stance all you want; all I have to do is watch the evening news or pick up the morning paper to have my stance justified and verified on a daily basis by "your peers."
Lance, "Copper?" So only cops go to beat meetings?
You are smarter than that. The point is that poorly designed public policy (the section 8 program as designed), coupled with poor execution the Section 8 program, coupled with an unaccountable politically connected CHA property management firm (like say Habitat), where the CHA throws people, without proper background check, qualifications. mentoring, and testing, into what was a well run building is now becoming a blight, to the detriment of the long time residents who did what was right with pride.
Yet now, because of the latent crime issue, the community and police suffer the incorrect perception that it is a policing issue. Now a diverse population of residents have to "deal with it" and be quiet about pointing out the problem, for fear we might offend someone, or be politically insensitive. The person calling the offenders "animals" and "parasites" is correct, because this speaks to personality, and not race. Many of those getting caught of the problem are of the same race, but are suffering for the acts of others who do not know how to behave.
But at least we have people like Lance and Kayne West to set us straight of the truth.
Lance,et al.: don't confuse "reality" with "racism."
Not everyone that complains about crime is a cop (civilized communities and cultures do not employ the 'don't snitch' mantra). Similarly, not everyone who voices concerns over community saftey is a racist.
Whatever you say, Charles Murray.
I question the slope of your learning "curve," Lance.
This article was about a church, go figure.
A church built and rebuilt by the Glessners, Pullmans, Lincolns, etc. All of whom would be rolling over in their graves if they saw the flashing blue-light CPD camera outside the church and the reason for the camera across the street.
Just like "your peers" destroyed the area around Edgar Allen Poe's historic home in Baltimore, they are doing the same here.
Just like "your peers" destroyed the area around Edgar Allen Poe's historic home in Baltimore, they are doing the same here.
I think that the "peer" crack went over your head, but are you trying to call me a n*gger or something?
FGFM - that is unacceptable language here. We should not fall for use of words like this, and should certainly not fall for you trying to create a fake defense using or incinuating people using those words. That is wrong. Step away from the computer.
FGFM - that is unacceptable language here. We should not fall for use of words like this, and should certainly not fall for you trying to create a fake defense using or incinuating [sic] people using those words. That is wrong. Step away from the computer.
More pearl-clutching.
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