The demolition of the old YMCA building at 830 S. Michigan is underway (
old Sloopin posts about the story here). We saw it with our own eyes (it looks like they were starting with the back of the building). It was also confirmed on the
Chicago Tribunes Cityscapes blog recently.

(Image from
Here is an idea, why not save he facade for the sterile Data Center McHugh construction is building on Cermak and Indiana and make them use it on the Cermak side for some visual interest.
Here is an idea. Why not invest your own money in a project and have somebody else "make" you do something? You know best how to spend money that is not yours.
How about a fish farm?
To "Here is an idea"
Many of these developments do rely on TIF funds either directly, or indirectly for infrastructure near the site, etc. For example all the Indiana Ave and Cermak Ave road, street, lighting, and other improvements were actually paid by you and me out of TIF repayment. So in a sense if you live in and around these TIF areas you are investing in these projects by paying property taxes that provide the incentive for the developer to build.
The design being utilized by McHugh is street killer for the future of that area.
"The design being utilized by McHugh is street killer for the future of that area."
Where are the NIMBYS when they are really needed?
The demolition of this "architectually significant" building gives me hope that someday the Hilliard Homes (which people on this blog make out to be one of the most architetucally significant buildings in the city!) will be demolished too.
The demolition of this "architectually [sic] significant" building gives me hope that someday the Hilliard Homes (which people on this blog make out to be one of the most architetucally [sic] significant buildings in the city!) will be demolished too.
One-note Johnny can't spell.
Many thanks, FGFM, for your insight. And, on behalf of all the concerned citizens of the South Loop, thank you for all your efforts in your ongoing and courageous battle to rid the south loop of bad spellers. I know that someday, somehow, we will all set aside our differences and people of all spelling levels will live together in harmony. We can only dream.
Lastly: is there any particular word in the last anon's post that you didn't understand due to his/her's spelling?
Lastly: is there any particular word in the last anon's post that you didn't understand due to his/her's spelling?
No, your bigotry was loud and clear.
Hey FGFM/Marty, why don't you stay in Uptown?
Hey FGFM/Marty, why don't you stay in Uptown?
While I'm not Marty, why should I stay in Uptown when I worked so hard to get out of that dump? What the Cappleman!
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