A big thanks to all the Sloopin readers who emailed the CTA and Alderman's office about this issue. Although we can't confirm we were the cause of this improvement, it seems like we definitely had something to do with it.
Since we were the ones who complained, it only seems appropriate that we give them credit and say thanks. Here are links to their emails CTA and Alderman Fioretti's Office if you wish to send them a thank you email.
Here are a couple pictures and a video of the current state of the exit:

(Hat Tip: SC & PF!)
good job indeed if you guys were the reason. kudos!
now they can guano the local landscaping... nice work sloopers!
Let's hope Jewel does the same thing along its roofline, as the pigeons have moved over to Jewel now.
Let's add some spikes in front of the Dunkin so the bums don't ask for money! They're not there as much since Dunkin is remodeling, but would be a great idea.
They should also add a sign at that El exit which reads "Jaywalking is Against the Law." It amazes me how many people run across the middle of Roosevelt Road at that spot - it's an accident waiting to happen.
Great news! Poop accumulations were at levels that one could slip and fall, for heaven's sake.
If you are risking your life walking in traffic, I can't see reading or compliance being strong-suits. A fence in the median might do the trick.
The reason of most of the jaywalking is the bus stop being right in the middle of the block, people exiting the bus jumping over the lane to get to the L stop, which happens also to be middle of the block. Eliminate it or move it to the end of the block would help, no signage would help that situation.
The Eastbound Bus still in indeed an accident waiting to happen. The buses stop (for no obvious reason) directly under the EL tracks where there is no entrance, you need to cross the streat to get there, and hundreds of people rush across mid-block each day (often right in front of the bus meaning that can't see anything until they're way out into the street.) Maybe getting this stop moved could be our next project.
Back to the pigeons. I was waiting for my bus this morning, and noticed that the spikes and netting only extend over the sidewalk, meaning the pigeons have now moved to the middle of the road where they plaster passing cars with PP, and some have migrated to the the north side of the road where there is another bus stop only moving the problem 30 feet north.
If certain people want to place themselves in harms' way by bolting across the middle of the street - that's their problem (I completely agree with the comment from Mark, reading and abiding by laws probably aren't anything these types of people are into). The bigger issue is that innocent motorists could get into a serious accident accident attempting to avoid these people.
It's not the location of the bus stop that's the problem either, it's the people with absolutely no concern at all for safety (their safety or yours). Bus stops are located mid-block all over the city.
If there are so many people jaywalking there, doesn't it make more sense to just put a stoplight there for a pedestrian crosswalk NYC style? This is a high foot traffic area.
The goal should not be to restrict foot traffic but find ways to make it safer. Car traffic already races under that underpass at night, anything to slow it down is probably a good thing
Adding a crosswalk at that location is nonsensical. There are two crosswalks within 20 yards of that location already, one to the west at State and one to the east at Wabash.
People are just plain too lazy to simply walk to the corner to cross. Even more frustrating is that CTA and its employees (some of whom are among the laziest people on earth) seem to condone this behavior.
People are just plain too lazy to simply walk to the corner to cross.
I'm one of them.
Even more frustrating is that CTA and its employees (some of whom are among the laziest people on earth) seem to condone this behavior.
Some people just love to complain about stuff.
I noticed today that the newspaper boxes on the South side of Roosevelt have moved from in front of Starbucks to the area where people cross the street to get to the CTA entrance.
It didn't look like it was preventing anyone from jay walking, but I wonder if this was an attempt by someone to solve this problem?
Bird spike is also a useful method to keep away them from your property.Bird Spikes have been used to much success and they're very cost effective, and easy to install. They work by installing them in locations where these birds congregate and they stick onto flat surfaces that normally would be good pigeon landing spots.
pigeon control
Well Bird spikes are designed to keep pest pigeons and larger birds off of building ledges, signs, parapet walls and other flat surfaces that pest birds like to roost and nest on.
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