It's impossible to read the menu in the picture above and close to impossible if you're standing outside, but luckily we found that Pita Heaven has a website that's live. As one commenter mentioned, the menu looks interesting but it's surprising that there is no falafel listed. This is a Mediterranean place, right?
We also appreciated the logo and brand feel they're going for. Obviously this doesn't mean the food is going to be good, but we can appreciate a cute concept and something with character (based on the logo we some potential):

No falafel???
That's the only reason I cared about this place opening.
I already dislike Pita Heaven now.
I wish I Dream Of Falafel would come to the sloop or a small local pita/falafel/lebanese restaurant opens up.
I think the menu looks great. I can't wait until they open. Finally something other than a sandwich available south of Michigan for under $10. The chicken gyros at $5.25 sound good to me!
I agree with Brad, the menu looks great, and at at good price point. This will be a fantastic resource for convenient and healthy weeknight dinners!
Pita Inn in the north suburbs in great! I think they should open in the city but I'm guessing the rent would be too high and their prices would have to go up too much.
I am intrigued by this menu and many things look very interesting. I am interested why their is only three pita options for a place called pita heaven. I have heard this place is being opened by one of the developers with no restaurant experience. I hope he has hired people who have a good vision. I like the pricing and options. Let's keep our fingers crossed. The south loop is due for a new business that actually has a chance to succeed. I am still so disappointed on how horrible Donna's Cafe and Acapella are. They both have added nothing to our neighborhood and have products and service that are embarrassing. Here's hoping that three times a charm.
There's an item on the menu called garbanzo bean cakes. Looks like falafel. Guess they don't think sloopers would recognize the word.
I'm seeing lots of red flags with this place.
1. The posting about the Frankel & Giles developer being involved, as posted in the Tribute Restaurant thread.
2. NO FALAFEL at a Pita Place? C'mon - I understand it's a Greek-leaning menu but expand the Pita options from only 3 please, they have a deep fryer to make potato chips in so why not have falafel?
3. Atrocious website. When you click the link it initially links to a the site "baseball, Cosimo Cannella" before landing on Pita Heaven, which still has Cannella's name at the top of the menu. A quick Google search shows Cosimo Cannella is a high school junior from Schaumburg: http://cosimocannella.com/ Maybe having a high school student do your web design isn't the best idea, or if you're going down that path at least spell check it before it goes live - here's some help:
Caviar Mousee - should read Mousse
Zuccini Cakes - should read Zucchini
Arougula - should read Arugula
Potatoe - should read Potato (unless you're Dan Quayle)
Capuccino - should read Cappuccino
And while a rodent-based dessert sounds interesting I think Greek Yogurt Mouse should be changed to Mousse.
Yes, and can I please get some hOmmus.
According to that website, his dad has the same name, so maybe he's the one doing the web design and is somehow involved in the restaurant. There's a guy by the same name on Facebook that has ties to a building company that builds fireplaces very similar to the one in Pita Heaven.
I think you all need to take a chill pill. This place hasn't even opened yet and you're writing about its demise. Give it a chance.
While spelling errors might be a concern for an author, i don't see the connection between that and cooking some good pita!
A business person wanting to open a store in the South Loop is a good thing. If it's good, then we have a nice new option. If it sucks it will close.
As the old sports adage goes "you miss 100% of the shots you don't take". Give Pita Heaven a shot...
i give this place 6 months. based on the HORRENDOUS spelling errors on the website- this is another "restaurant" run by complete morons. the lackluster decor and the clear lack of any kind of vision or plan assures me this place will suck hard. my bet is this place will employ talent from the same pool as Donna's Cafe, carry the same ambience as Overflow Coffee and be as crowded with customers as A'Cappella Bistro. complain all you want about me being a hater- i just call 'em like i see 'em. so long, Pita Heaven. it was great to not meet you.
Anon 3:19 - Sounds like you're a "glass is compeletly empty type of person"...enjoy your miserable life!
Ahh the Internet... a place where rough words flow from otherwise gentle fingers.
If the food is good and reasonably priced, and the service is acceptable, I'll be a customer. Spelling mistakes and falafel don't concern me.
Can't wait to try a delicious "beats" salad.
Give me a break.
Wow. You sloopin readers just love to pile on and beat something up. Why would anyone want to have a business here with customers like you?
Oh my! I agree...let this place open and try it first before the bashing starts! I waited, tried donnas cafe....haven't been back since..
However, this menu looks great! Yes, I do love falafel, but I also love half of the other delicious sounding items on the menu! What a great addition to the area if the food tastes good! I can't wait for pita heaven to open and to try it! Plus, give them some time and maybe a delicious falafel pita will find it's way on the menu.
Finally, come on people have you not ever eaten Mediterranean food before?? Chances are good you can get any of the meal choices with....yes, a PITA!
haters gonna hate.
Sloopin is known by about 5% of the South Loop population and about about 1% actually post comments. I love Sloopin and the South Loop more than anyone and can tell you that it is good for people to listen to the comments, but with a grain of salt. Those of us posting have no idea how to actually open and run a business.
Looks like an interesting menu and I'm all for another eatery opening up. Sure, love falafel too, but not a deal breaker. I'm rooting for it.
Ditto to all of the negative comments...we complain that we need new places opening but then we say such terrible things before the opening even happens. How about if we wait and see how it (Pita Heaven) is when it opens?!! I hope it's a good, solid place.
who ever took the time to count, write down, and post all the spelling errors the website has on this blog has way too much time on his or her hands! Give yourself a break and go out and do something more fun for yourself!
The general quality of food these days is so poor I wouldn't get your hopes up. Chicken gyros? Yes we should complain, but even better we should do something about it. Food co-op? It's also in the interest of Pita Heaven to understand what its customers want. Your typical "mediterranean" restaurant in chicago is simply a business decision. If Pita Heaven bets on paying rent with cheap, poor quality lunch it will fail in the south loop.
Its open as of 6.9 with a soft opening.
They also have a facebook page.
There is a free tasting going on at Pita Heaven RIGHT NOW (was just in there, Friday at 5:30). Tons of food and I am happy to say it was all delicious. Staff was friendly and eager to please. Was skeptical about this place, but not anymore. Can't wait to give them my business.
I was just at Pita Heaven's free tasting as I was walking home from work and it was solid.
The place was packed and they said they're planning on opening next week (shooting for Monday).
And for the spelling professors...their menu at the restaurant says "Mousse" not "Mouse".
But it DOES say "beats"...
My best wishes to Adam and his lovely wife. I stopped in at the
Open House tasting. Food was tasty, menu is good, prices are most reasonable. Good Luck.
Went there for their tasting and the food was delicious. No longer skeptic at all about this place.
Did they open today?
Walked by coming home from work and they look open. Going to check it out later for dinner.
the food and service is great...welcome addition to the south loop. we had the chicken and pork kebob. highly recommend.
What I like about Pita Heaven:
1. Family Owned and Operated--seriously, the owner and his family work the counter and they're friendly, talkative, appreciative--and they know how to cook.
2. Food is affordable and GOOOOOOOD. A varied menu of authentic, fresh, and flavorful choices. There's not one plastic-wrapped or industrial food item in sight.
3. An attentive wait staff who offer you sliverware, clean up, and are respectful.
4. Clean, spacious, well lit decor.
5. The only place this side of Halsted to get authentic Greek food that tastes just as good.
What I don't like about Pita Heaven:
1. They don't know how to spell.
I hope this place can keep up the pace. I give it 5 out of 5 stars!!
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