A reader writes:
A building across the street from me that has sat uninhabited since I moved here three years ago is showing signs of life. Have you heard any rumblings? It sits just north of a parking lot at the corner of Michigan and Cullerton, east side of the street. It is a beautiful old building that is full of potential.
We've thought the same thing, but unfortunately haven't heard anything about it. Here is a picture we grabbed from Google Maps street views. Last we saw it was boarded up:

Does anyone have the skinny on this?
(Hat tip: JR!)
I work in the accounting department for a major Chicago restaurant chain, and word is this is going to be a Paula Deen restaurant (southern-ish food appealing to the various cultures in the area of the restaurant).
Paula Deen? this has to be a joke...
She has other restaurants. I have been to the one in Savannah, GA..."Lady and Sons".
Very good, but very unhealthy.
I will believe it when I see it. I guess it might do well with convention goers from McCormick place?
Would do well with visitors from all over. If they own the parking lot too, could see it definitely being a destination restaurant.
If its a Paula Deen restaurant this is a perfect spot for them (charming building on Michigan Ave). They have great restaurants.
Paula Deen would do well in that area. Southern food so close to Bronzville? A no brainer!
I have heard it is going to be a health food store.
I did a little research and all I can find is that it's facade restoration - no specifics on what might be going in.
Based on a conversation today with the mgt that markets this building there is no truth to it. Maybe it's in the works (?) due to confidentiality, but he said it is for the upkeep of facade. Maybe Paula Deen is opening somewhere near here?
That area of the south loop is an armpit. My guess is that they will probably fix up the building and then expect an enormous amount of rent for it and it will stay empty.
I love living in an armpit! Great lake access, new restaurants opening, good existing restaurants, great new parks/park buildings, 2 historical districts, and more. Doesn't smell like an armpit to me.
The only thing historic about that area is how bad the property value must be now. I feel for anybody who bought down there that can't hold onto their place for a really long time. That area should have been incredible. But alas, the real estate market stopped and that area is closer to the ghetto then it is the actual south loop. Don't be mad at the posts be mad at the developer that left with everybody's money and abandoned Motor Row. There have been town homes down their that have sold for over 120,000 dollars cheaper then the original owners who bought less then three years ago.
Why in the world would Paula Deen open a restaurant next to a housing project?
And I wouldn't tout proximity to McCormick Place as a lure to any restaurants, considering McCormick will most likely lose all of its national trade shows within the next 5-10 years to Vegas.
I too love living in an "armpit" I suppose...close to great public transportation..bus right outside my door, redline right down the street...lakefront less than five minutes away...I bought many years ago and would do the same today. But to each his own...I suppose it's easy to complain anonymously on a blog..anyway...here is a link about the project...check out the owners possible new digs...pretty bad!! http://daphne.meccahosting.com/~a00045a3/1925%20South%20Michigan.html
It all has to do with jobs, the vitality of the Loop as job center for the region and taxes. If Illinois could get it's act together and stop frightening direct investment in this state and the Loop can capture more office market share from the burbs, even the far South Loop will do well. I say this as a Gold Coaster who's seriously contemplating a move to the Sloop - more space for the money and the potential for a seriously urban environment as it fills in. Oh - and it's close to the lake too!
Anon 5:29pm - You can say the same thing about every area in the US. Your comment makes no sense. I know the Historic Tax Freeze (saved folks down there around 80k - 100k minimum). Also, out of ALL THE AREAS in the South Loop - this is the only area that has a continous streetwall that will become a row of restaurants, retail, etc. It has built in daily foot traffic (Lexington Park {soon}, McCormick place visitors and residents). There was only 1developer that left (he had 2 buildings under him - one finished and one never started on Indiana). Have you seen the lofts down there? They are huge and modern.
I had no idea I lived in an 'armpit'! I think I actually like armpits!
I have seen the facade upkeep work on this building before, but it has never been this extensive. The scaffolding has never covered the entire front of the building like it does now.
Living in motor row and working at mcormick pace I can laugh at some of the comments around here. McCormick place isnt going anywhere we have shows booked until 2019 thanks to the revised labor laws that went into effect. Even shows that "left" have already come back, example:
add this all up with a casino coming soon, i expect Vegas to be worried.
Re: Anon 6:44 am
Could be the dumbest thing I've read on this blog to date. You're literally the only person who has confidence in McPier. Casino is not coming soon and vegas is not worried. Be Well
McCormick is not going anywhere, you can lose a couple of shows and gain a couple of shows - Also, new article on Motor Row today...
Brendan, considering some of the racist comments that get said around here, for you to say my comment is the dumbest post ever makes me chuckle. You have it set in your mind and heart that Mcpier will fail so there is no point trying to convince you otherwise.
Arm Pit! Wow, that's pretty harsh. Let's play nice. I live on the block of the building that is having work done and honestly whether a new restaurant goes up or the building gets a new face lift, you can't go wrong here. This neighborhood, despite falling homes prices EVERYWHERE, is coming along nicely. This area has many benefits as far as transportation is concerned, bus line, highways, El line on Roosevelt, and the lake shore path. Not to mention the proximity to China town, McCormick, U.S. Cellular, Pilsen and everything else retail. I moved here 3 years ago and though skeptical at first (I was coming from Lincoln Park near Fullerton)I am soooooo glad to be out of the major traffic mess that the North neighborhoods had. Just the other day I looked out the window and saw more foot traffic than years before and I felt really good about it. I don't want auto traffic to get to the point of a Wrigleyville and Lakeview or Lincoln Park (Armitage, North Ave, Fullerton, Halsted Streets)When trying to get through those streets on a weekend means sitting there like you're on the highway, but there are definitely signs of what is to come. I still own my condo in LP and I can assure you that I'm not selling it anytime soon because of this RE Market low, it's not just the Motor Row or Near South Side of Chicago that's been hit. I'm excited of what is to come and I'm sure many who live here are too.
I didn't say McPier would fail......but to flaunt the success of it is nothing short of delusional. Also there will not be a casino and Vegas is never going to be afraid of Chicago. All things said by you......I'm sorry but I find them absurd and had to speak up. Be well and for Gods sake get some sleep!
Anon. June 16 6:44 a.m.
I have to agree with Brendan. Plus, you seriously provided a link to an article from January? Did you miss Judge Guzman's decision in April? Nothing good. I'm guessing your outlook is so rosy because Chicago taxpayers will keep paying for your job. You are welcome.
Re Anon 6:44
Boom. Roasted.
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