Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Email From a Reader About Roosevelt Collection

We saw some ads at the red line Roosevelt stop promoting the new "ICON" Kerasotes theaters opening at Roosevelt Collection, so it means it's actually coming and soon! We also saw that traffic lights outside Roosevelt Collection are up and running.

Finally a reader writes:
Just wanted to share some information with you about some news from the Roosevelt Collection.

The Theater is opening Thursday night at midnight with their first movie "Avatar." Sky spotlights will run from Wednesday–Monday the 21st.

The retail plaza opens Wednesday afternoon, I believe this is when the new traffic lights turn on. The retail parking garage opens Thursday morning and I'm told that there will be free parking for movie-goers until further notice.

On a separate note, for what its worth, I've been told by a reliable resource, that a BIG name retailer is showing a lot of interest. (My source is a store manager at a local chicago retailer of the same company)

So things are pretty exciting around here. The plaza, from what I've seen is pretty cool. Its got some great lighting sculptures and stunning views of the skyline.
So there you have it...we're pretty excited to have this great asset finally open in the Sloop!

We're probably not going to make it there for the opening, so if you do please let us know how it is.

UPDATE: With this speculation, it would be fun to discuss/share what retail stores are missing or would be valuable to our neighborhood. Please let us know what you think!
(Hat Tip: ND & JP)


Anonymous said...

I have no idea who your sources are, and would not want to out them in any way.

Still, just to throw out a fun first guess, I'd think that Crate and Barrel might want to open something up in the area.

The future of Chicago is in the South Loop, so hopefully everything is done right!

Sloopy said...

Let me caveat the email from the reader. It was random so i can't confirm how valid the source is, it's simply speculation.

I could see a create and barrel being interested in the area, however they tend to like customized buildings (judged by their stores on Michigan avenue and north avenue). Maybe it could be a crate and barrel outlet or CB2?

It would be a huge win for the neighborhood to get one of those franchises IMO. Although I don't know the history of the north avenue retail corridor, my guess is that crate and barrel was a key resident in driving growth in that area. Again, just speculation on my part.

Anonymous said...

I am seeing Avatar Saturday night. I live down the street on Wells and can't wait! Does anyone know what the Kersotes VIP Reserved section includes? It's 20$ per ticket for Avatar after a 3-D glasses surcharge....fortunately I had a coupon code which brought it down to $6.50 but I'm still curious.

IIRC there's also a bar/restaurant opening nearby/in the theater - any news on that?

Anonymous said...

I live across the street at River City and I'd love a Trader Joe's in the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

I'd second a Trader Joe's, I have a friend that works at the Lagrange store, she told me at one time they were planning on putting one in the south loop, but since the economy is so down plans got dropped.

Anonymous said...

With a Whole Foods already in the area, I'm not really sure how a Trader Joe's would go over.

Lance Uppercut said...

I believe the "VIP seating" at this ICON theater is actually a separate area within the main screening room (basically a balcony). They serve booze and food in those sections so you have to be over 21 to sit there.

Anonymous said...

I agree. TRADER JOES! Totally different than Whole Foods.

I keep hearing they are shopping for a South Loop location, but was very dismayed to hear they were opening a second Lincoln Park location. LAME.

People on the southside deserve some delicious cheap Trader Joes too.

Anonymous said...

"With a Whole Foods already in the area, I'm not really sure how a Trader Joe's would go over."

Trader Joe's and Whole foods as I see it totally different stores. I think They'd do great, the TJ's at 44 East Ontario Street is only 4 blocks from Whole foods (30 West Huron) and it seems to be packed every time I'm there! I'd shop TJ's way before I'd go to Whole Paycheck.

Anonymous said...

If I could wish for one store to be in the Sloop, it would be Trader Joe's!

Anonymous said...

want a Trader Joe's in the south loop?

Request it!


Anonymous said...

I got into the theater this afternoon and it looks really nice. There are huge windows that span the length of the north wall in the lobby as well as the lounge. The lounge's view is the best I've seen of the skyline. Overall, really well done.

Anonymous said...

I just hope there will be another starbucks...

actually, an Intelligesta would be greeat!

twinkle twinkle said...

I have written trader joes several times BEGGING for a south loop location. My latest effort was to convince them to put it in the empty linens-n-things space at South Gate.
I actually think having it close to Whole Foods is great. Same clients shop at both. I'd LOVE to be able to hit both in one stop!

Anonymous said...

Anon (SC) - Request a Trader Joe's in South Loop..Let them know we are still interested. If you have a specific location request - let them know.

1. Roosevelt/Wabash
2. Michigan/Cermack/State
3. Clark/Polk area
4. Roosevelt Collection


Scrumpy said...

So glad it is opening! While I enjoy a walk, River East is a haul in the snow.

And now I'm fantasizing about Trader Joe's. Is that wrong?

Anonymous said...

Actually, this neighborhood could a trader joes, crate and barrel, new starbucks, etc.

Plus, with the soon-to-open Roosevelt Collection adding to the already-crowded stock of vacant commercial real estate offerings.

Anonymous said...

My dream stores for the Sloop:

1. Peets

2. Fox and Obel

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if there is access to the movie theater or the shops from Wells Street or can you only enter from Roosevelt?

Andy Sites said...

Eventually you will be able to enter from the north side - I'm not sure about the west side.

Here is my Roosevelt Collection wish-list:

1. Trader Joe's
2. CB2
3. Intelligenstia (with a decent sized lounge area)
4. NY-style pizza place (last I checked there was at least some type of pizza place going in here)

Anonymous said...

Trader Joes to Cermak and Indiana, in Lexington. Book it in stone.

Anonymous said...

I would actually love a large Barnes & Noble-esque bookstore since I'm a student and like studying at them.

Anonymous said...

I checked out the place yesterday (well, walked outside) and aside from the theater, there's no other stores open. It looks like it'll be a long while before the place is packed. Hopefully, lots of cabs enter that place since it'd be a hassle to walk all the way back to Roosevelt from the theater. Plus, if you’re heading east, you got to get a cab before the light, so the cab can make a u-turn through Roosevelt collection. Anyway, I'm checking out the super Friday Avatar show. The place better be crowded!

Anonymous said...

Okay Andy, you have GOT to be joking about NY-style pizza????

You can easily go to Pizza-ria on 8th & State for your Cardboard with cheese. YUCK!

A better option that is truely South Side is an Aurelio's Pizza; although they are at Canal and Harrison.

The idea of bringing a NY pizza to the South Loop is upsetting...

Carl said...

Chicago-style pizza is not "all that".

Pat's Pizza is my first choice in the South Loop. Pizza-ria (or whatever they call themselves this month) is great IMO if you just want one slice.

And there is no true NY-style pizza in this area.

Andy Sites said...

Pizza-ria is the closet to NY-style but calling that NY-style is HUGE stretch. And Pat's is consider - St. Louis style? Ew, not a fan at all...

Cherise said...

Roosevelt Collection wish list:

1. Trader Joe's
2. Crate and Barrel or CB2
3. American Apparel
4. Intelligentsia
5. Ulta or Sephora
6. Wishbone

Anonymous said...

1. Trader Joe's
2. Marshalls
3. a bookstore

Carl said...

I could see a CB2 down here and some type of coffee joint (anything but a Star*ucks!) seems like a no-brainer.

Wishbone seems like a stretch considering there's that one over in the West Loop.

Anonymous said...

I have a close friend in the restaurant business. In fact, he initially signed a lease to open a fine dining restaurant and wine bar in the RC, but backed out after almost EVERY single person in the biz told him it was a HUGE mistake to open in this area. They showed him figures that reflected even the most successful spots in the south loop do 2-3 million less in sales per year than restaurants elsewhere in the Loop. Moreover, and I know the haters don't want to hear this (but it is a reality), the proximity to less-than-desirable areas both west and south of this neighborhood scares the daylights out of commercial tenants (e.g., the bevy of vacant storefronts all over the place). My friend told me that the developer @ the RC was practically begging them to reconsider for months after they backed out; it sounds like they're having a terrible time filling the commercial. Almost as bad as the sales of the condos, which, as we all know, was so grim that the entire complex was turned into rental.

Lance Uppercut said...

To the above post I say: there's risk involved with everything.

No one is denying the fact that current (worldwide) economic challenges are going to make this RC development even more difficult than normal.

That said, image what people though of Florida land speculators in the 1920's-1930's. You gotta take some risks (and expect a few lumps) if you want progress.

Someone's gonna make money off this untamed area at some point . . . and as my Grandpappy used to say "There's a big difference between and neigh-saying and horse sense.".

Illinijay said...

I compare the South Loop to the Chicago White Sox. If there is a quality product, consumers will come. Companies like Panera (2 locatons), Target, Whole Foods, Dominicks, and Jewel are making money hand over fist in our area. In the Printer's Row area, Kasey's, Hackneys, SRO, and Epic Burger seem to be doing great!

While I'm not so nieve as to ignore potential concerns regarding some of the less well off areas that border the South Loop, I feel that empty store fronts are more a direct reflection of the economy. Many well-off areas of the city are within a short distance of impoverished areas. Wicker Park and the West Loop are just a couple of examples.

Anonymous said...

You people are failing to grasp the enormous downside to gambling on a commercial venture in this area: huge investment (millions) and countless hours. For what? To sit empty? To be overrun by patrons of the nearby liquor store and currency exchanges? Not worth it. You take the safe bet and set-up shop in either wicker park or lincoln park. It's a no-brainer.

Anonymous said...

At times, when driving through this neighborhood, I almost feel like someone should hang an "Out of Order" sign at the entrances to all commercial strips.

Anonymous said...

If I'm not the one doing the (real estate) gambling and failing, I fail to see the downside.

Even empty, these properties are generally in better shape that before. And the next person or business gets a crack at a space that's already been developed with little or no construction overhead or depreciation.

Anonymous said...

Some of these comments are very short sighted IMO. Remember that the South Loop is a relatively new neighborhood still. Every highrise (whether condo or rental) will help the retail/restaurant establishments because it means more warm bodies in the neighborhood.

Although there are a lot of vacant store fronts in the neighborhood (which i'm pretty sure is a national issue honestly) the fact is that they are there. Things will turn around and eventually these storefronts will be filled.

It's better to have the infrastructure in place (ie vacant storefronts) so when things turn around businesses/restaurants/shops etc will be able to move in quicker.

In regard to RC, I went on Saturday. I was impressed. Similar to the points I made about the broader neighborhood, there were a decent amount of people walking around within RC. This has to be attractive to future businesses. I think it's a great concept and will flourish when the economy turns around. Be patient my friends...this will end up being a great resource for the neighborhood eventually...just give it some time.

As they say, "Rome wasn't built in one day"

Lance Uppercut said...

To the Anon with the "close friend in the restaurant business":

Prior to the current economic downturn, 60-70% of all new businesses nationally failed within the first year according to stats from Small Business Administration and the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Restaurants skew slightly higher. My personal experience has been that Chicago and the South Loop fair slightly better than national averages.

Another issue no one has raised regarding empty local shop spaces: it's never been harder to get a small business loan.

illinijay said...

The empty storefronts are a product of the economy. I was in Orland Park the other day and they have a strip mall that is half empty. Are you going to say that businesses don't survive in Orland Park?

Anonymous said...

Wine Styles and Three Peas Art Lounge are two new places that surprisingly attract a crowd during some week nights. I never saw any activities in these areas two years ago. Opening night of ICON also had a good crowd (not AMC crowded, but good nonetheless). I don't understand the negative outlooks some of you people have. Do you live in the Sloop? Where's this "liquor store and currency exchanges" next to RC or Potbelly’s? Is there a reason for this misinformation? Someone's lying and I want to know why...

Lance Uppercut said...

Typical ignorant/misinformed post from a troll who likes the sound of their own (typed) voice.


Anonymous said...

Lance Uppercut, which post are you talking about? Date/Time.

Lance Uppercut said...

Gee, I have to pick just one?

How about Anon post December 21, 2009 9:22 AM or December 21, 2009 9:54 AM.

I encourage you to venture out from under your rocks more often and take a good look around the entire city or, heaven forbid, country. Chicago is sadly not some special case when it comes to this topic.

Try doing something proactive for a change, you might like it.

Rob Sc said...

Anonymous said...
"I don't understand the negative outlooks some of you people have. Do you live in the Sloop? Where's this "liquor store and currency exchanges" next to RC or Potbelly’s? Is there a reason for this misinformation? Someone's lying and I want to know why...

December 22, 2009 11:06 PM"

It is basically all coming from this one blatantly racist, republican d-bag who spews the same garbage over and over on this blog. Spend any amount of time reading this blog and you will spot his posts by either the racism or the laughable misspellings that they contain. He is a fool and is to be ignored.

Anonymous said...

Here's my wist list for RC:

1. Trader Joes
2. Barnes & Noble
3. Buffalo Wild Wings
4. Dicks Sporting Goods
5. Ulta or Sephora - I don't go to either being a guy, but if you build it females will come :)

Carl said...

There's already a Barnes & Noble, Ulta and Sephora on South State St.

Anonymous said...
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Hydroponics said...
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Buy Gold said...
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Anonymous said...
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