“Everyone I've talked with is smitten by what they've seen of the building. The financial situation behind it? Not so much.Projections of continued enrollment growth were used to justify the debt load and escalating multimillion dollar annual payments. According to one of its own brochures, the university was projecting‘a 50 percent increase in the number of full-time equivalent students at the Chicago campus between 2007 and 2017.’
But that’s not how it's worked out so far. In 2008, the total number of students (part- and full-time, on both campuses) was 7,692,an all-time high. Then both enrollment and, to a lesser extent, credit hours took a dive. From 2008 to 2011, the total number of students fell 14 percent.”
The university says the building will ultimately contribute to the long term well-being of the city.
What do you think? Do you like the new visual dynamic the building brings to the loop and Sloop?
(Hat tip: SS!)
One of the best newest additions to the chicago skyline next to aqua tower!
Cool building, terrible idea. Did they really think a building would change the reputation of the school?
I peronally dislike it. Especially the Roosevelt brand on the top of the building, which seems to be necessary considering thier financial situation. I do think the building would look sleeker with out the logo, but even if it were removed, it would still block the Navy Pier fireworks view from my home. Oh well...
The building looks great. To bad I graduated last year. There is a lot of excitement around the school now with the sports teams being integrated into a division 3 class and they have been recruiting from all over the nation. This school is going to take off in the next 5-10 years especially with the new gymnasium that is going to be built! Go roosevelt lakers....
It must be a scary time for Roosevelt administrators, but I'm happy about the building and proposed field house down the street. It already makes that stretch of the Loop seem much less deserted.
Pretty buildings help recruit athletes. Athletic programs specifically football bring in huge revenue for the school. Roosevelt will never have relevent athletic programs therefore a building like this will do nothing other than bury them in debt. Should have spent that money on bringing in top level Profs to make real students want to go there. No relevent athetlic programs, below average education, poor school reputation..no worries they have a pretty building.
The building is good for our area but not for the school. I suspect they may have to raise tuition to help with some of the debts. Although I'm rooting for this school I know the reality is more students are turning away from traditional college and turning to vocational and trade programs, which offers a quicker route to a paycheck and less debt. The government will start cutting back more on higher education. There are too many people going to traditional colleges and not enough people goingto the other types. College isn't for everyone.
Too much money is being waisted.
I'm all about any building that increases the amount of hackey sack done in the sloop.
Like it or not, the facilities do factor into school reputation/rank. Pepperdine University and it's malibu campus comes to mind.
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