Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Check out "Chicagohenge" This Week!

A cool phenomenon (via Chicago Tribune):
Twice a year, during the spring and fall equinoxes, the rising and setting sun lines up with Chicago's east-west street grid, creating spectacular photo opportunities as the sun is framed within Chicago's skyline. Early risers and those out and about before sunset will be able to see the phenomenon, weather permitting.
So what do you need to do:

WHEN TO SEE IT This Wednesday, officially the first day of fall, offers one of the best days to view Chicagohenge, according to Michelle Nichols, master educator for the Adler Planetarium. Take a look shortly after sunrise (about 6:39 a.m.) and before sunset (about 6:47 p.m.). 
If you miss it Wednesday, or if the weather doesn't cooperate, the phenomenon will be visible for about a week after the equinox, Nichols said. And if you completely miss it this fall, it will be visible again in the spring, so mark your calendars for the spring equinox on March 19, 2016.
The city's rigid east-west grid pattern means that just about any east-west street works, but a street without many obstructions would be best. Skyscrapers in the Loop will offer some of the choicest framing opportunities. 
If you want to observe Chicagohenge with Adler astronomers, you can attend the “Scopes in the City on The 606 at Ridgeway Ave." event they are holding at the western trailhead of The 606 trail from about 6:45 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Wednesday. You will be able to see the setting sun through cutouts in the Exelon Observatory, designed by artist Frances Whitehead.

So while the Loop is probably the best vantage point to see this, if you're in the Sloop it wouldn't hurt to simply look at the sunrise/sunset.

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