Friday, March 27, 2015

Zaki Mediterranean Grill Moving in at 610 W. Roosevelt

Upon a recent drive down Roosevelt we noticed that a new restaurant is apparently opening:
Zaki Mediterranean Grill (pictured on left)
It doesn't appear that this is a chain or anything, just a new Mediterranean Grill.  We did find a website listing some information on them and a logo:
On the website there is also a logo for "Hallal" which is something we've heard of, but weren't intimately familiar with.  After some googling we found this:
Halal is often used in reference to foods and drinks, i.e. foods that are permissible for Muslims to eat or drink under Islamic ShariĘ»ah (law). The criteria specifies both what foods are allowed, and how the food must be prepared. The foods addressed are mostly types of meat and animal tissue.  
The most common example of non-halal (or haraam) food is pork. While pork is the only meat that cannot be eaten by Muslims at all (due to historical, cultural, and hygienic concerns), foods other than pork can also be haraam. The criteria for non-pork items include their source, the cause of the animal's death, and how it was processed.
So now you use this knowledge for Trivia night or next time you watch Jeopardy.

Anyway...this block of Roosevelt is going through a pretty big change (mainly across the street).  Before there were a ton of random local businesses, but now some big chains have moved in including Petco, Sleepy's, Vitamin Shoppe and a soon to open Golfsmith.

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