
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Parking Issues on South Dearborn

The Sun-Times reports about some parking issues on South Dearborn:
The company that collects city parking meter fees on Monday put up new signs in a confusing South Loop parking zone where cars have been getting tickets for meter violations but a city traffic-control aide had been parking for free.

The two signs went up hours after the Chicago Sun-Times published an article about the mess, which has angered people who have been paying to park along the west side of the 600 block of South Dearborn. Later, the city's Revenue Department concluded that a handful of spaces are free . . . for now.


  1. The minute you park on the street in a seemingly "free" spot, you're opening yourself up to an avalanche of grief.

  2. Free parking is so "1990's"

    Not driving is a better solution, but if you HAVE to park somewhere, anywhere near the LOOP is a BAD idea.

  3. If I had a nickel for every CTA worker that parked in this same area for free (courtesy of fraudulent handicapped permits) I'd be a very rich man.

  4. Saying something is so "19**'s" is so 1990's.

  5. Again, to all of you people bitching about paying too much to park on the street: take your own advice and move to the suburbs.

  6. No one in this thread mentioned anything about the cost of paying to park, Anon.

    But thanks for your unique insight . . . it's totally irrelevant and off-target, as usual.

  7. First rule of Sloopin Bloggin': The first one to say, "Move to the suburbs" has to pick up their stuff and move there!

  8. Therefore, Lance/FGFM/Carl, et al., should all move to the suburbs considering these guys all fired back at all of us that complained about crime/gangs to "move to the suburbs if you can't handle the realities of city life."

    Since when did paying $2 to park become a bigger issue than criminal activity? I guess I'm just being an "uptight caucasian."

  9. Someone's off their meds!

  10. Hooray, Anon took my advice of using a signature!


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