
Friday, March 15, 2013

Robbery Outside 732 S. Financial Place

A reader writes:
Our building (732 S Financial Pl) posted a notice about a robbery outside of our building the other night. It happened at around 10 pm and two young men jumped a male resident in our building and took his belongings. Rumor is that they were not armed but jumped him when he walked under the overpass where the metra tracks are. Police have not found the suspects but were given descriptions of what they looked like.  
This is very scary and others should know!
(Hat tip:  SS!)


  1. I used to live in this building (really loved it--renovated lofts), but I always got the creeps walking under that overpass. I'm so sad to hear this happened.

  2. fantastic lets post every crime that happens in chicago on this blog. is this channel 5 news? take this down

  3. There have been several odd or shady criminal acts associated with this address. Anyone recall the home invasion in the fall? The guy had thousands in cash. Without knowing other details, my feeling is that there is a decent chance this was not a random act.

  4. veiled ignorance like the anon@8:32's comments are what make me cry

  5. Anon @8:50:

    You don't think it is worthwhile to know that a crime happened outside of a building in the neighborhood at 10pm on a Thursday night? I walk that way all the time, and reading things like this are a good wake up call against complacency.

  6. Had a break in few months back at 170 W Polk. Security camera got clear footage of the guy walking out with his loot. CPD completely blew it off. Had no interest in a picture of the perp. Message sent... neighborhood is an easy target. Da Mayor needs to google a term called "broken windows".

  7. Had a break in few months back at 170 W Polk. Security camera got clear footage of the guy walking out with his loot. CPD completely blew it off. Had no interest in a picture of the perp. Message sent... neighborhood is an easy target. Da Mayor needs to google a term called "broken windows".

  8. "fantastic lets post every crime that happens in chicago on this blog. is this channel 5 news? take this down"

    This person either knows the criminal or is a criminal themselves.

  9. you live in chicago, muggings are going to happen. you need to be reminded to watch out for yourself? Of course CPD blew it off as this happens many times every day all over.

  10. Anon @8:50 (same poster?)

    We do live in Chicago, specifically the South loop. Of course muggings happen everyday all over Chicago, but they don't happen everyday in our neighborhood, and that's what this site is about, isn't it?

    Your acceptance of this as somehow being reasonable and expected if one lives here is troubling.

  11. Don't be obtuse 8:50p. What is CPD's responsibility when handed photographic evidence of a crime?
    A. Check database for known offenders and follow up?
    B. "Sorry sir parks closed...moose outside shoulda told ya that"

    Simply put CPD is backsliding and morale is low.

  12. clearly none of you grew up in Chicago. Go back to naperville

  13. This neighborhood already gets a bad rap for being south. The roosevelt train stop being the worst in the city article is just an example. So you want to continue to portray the neighborhood by posting every mugging or crime? Geniuses I tell you

  14. Anon @11:33

    Speaking for myself, I've lived here for 54 years, starting in Bridgeport and winding up in the South loop. I'd guess that that's probably a little longer than you've been living here, though I don't know you so I could be wrong.

    Accepting crime in your neighborhood isn't the Chicago way. Being aware of it and taking care of it, usually by calling the cops and talking about it with your neighbors lets muggers know that this isn't where they want to to be. Knowing the cops in the area, letting the alderman know when he is doing a good or bad job always helps too.

    Rolling over and pretending that that is the price you pay for living in a city is nonsense.

    Did you grow up in Evergreen Park by any chance? I don't anyone who thinks like you do who is actually from Chicago.

  15. Anon @11:40

    What percentage of the posts on sloopin are about crime as opposed to new development?

    Ignoring a problem doesn't fix it; letting people (especially people who have the connections and wherewithal to demand change) know about it does.

    Get enough people in the neighborhood to complain about the crime at the Roosevelt stop, and it will not be what it is today. Let people know that we have muggings in our relatively safe area of the city, and they will demand more police presence.

  16. The man getting beaten to death at the Bronzeville Green Line stop at 11 am on Friday, which is about a 45 second train ride from the new south loop green line stop at Cermak, isn't going to help the perception of this part of town by outsiders or, more importantly, will not influence any business owners to set up shop along the southern edge (say motor row?) of our dangerous hood.

  17. Anon@9:31

    Not to sound too flowery, but if we fix the reality, we don't have to worry about the perception.

    Censoring the facts and/or ignoring real problems doesn't make for long lasting solutions, does it?

    We currently don't live in a dangerous hood, but if we accept/ignore/hide real crime when it happens, we soon will be.


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