
Friday, January 18, 2013

Ald. Fioretti Racks-up $800K in Taxpayer-Funded Legal Costs

The Chicago Tribune has more of the backstory (behind it's premium pay-wall):
A single Chicago alderman exercising his traditional right to have final say on decisions in his own ward racked up taxpayer-funded legal costs of more than $800,000 in the past four years, records show. 
The tab includes legal fees and settlement payments in two federal lawsuits filed against Ald. Robert Fioretti, 2nd, some of his colleagues and the city, as detailed in court and Law Department records. The suits challenged Fioretti's use of aldermanic privilege to stand in the way of two businesses seeking permits in his ward. 
Both businesses — the venerable Congress Plaza Hotel and the now-defunct Felony Franks hot dog stand — got their permits in the end, but only after lengthy delays they attribute to Fioretti's decisions. The city lost the case focusing on Fioretti's refusal to sign off on a sidewalk cafe permit for the Congress Hotel. 
A judge's ruling in that case for the first time acknowledged the tradition and power of aldermanic privilege, which is neither mentioned nor defined in city code. 
And the city is in the final stages of settling the case brought by Felony Franks, which centered on Fioretti's refusal to back a sign permit.
Seems like a lot of cash for two relatively minor issues.  Obviously we don't know all the details, but a sidewalk permit and an objection to a sign?  Seems like $800K could be put to use somewhere better!

The article goes on to say that the Congress Hotel dispute could be tied to his position on a labor dispute (see old Sloopin post about the longest strike in that nation).

The Felony Franks sign issue was blocked by Fioretti because churches in the area opposed the name and "glorifying crime".  The Felony Franks concept was to give jobs to ex-cons...something we didn't know and find intriguing.  Felony Franks (which was in the near west side) is now closed.  


  1. Good to know and informative. A reason not to vote for him. Another example of a corrupt politician in Chicago using tax-payers money for good use.

  2. true, it is a waste of money, but we can't deny all the good stuff he has done for our ward. Let's hope the next Alderman keeps our current trajectory.

  3. Fioretti should not be blamed, he is always protecting and trying to beautify the neighborhoods, it's not his fault it costs 800k to defend these items. Put the system on trial meaning the city is paying its lawyers waaaaay too much and city employees are in fact paid way too much for what they do. When we ask our alderman to do things, it will cost money.

  4. Fioretti has to be doing something right if the "city" felt it necessary to remap him right out of his own ward and to split the current 2nd ward into 3-4 different wards. I'm still incredibly disappointed at these developments. I have a feeling we are all going to miss Fioretti.

  5. Sidebar: I would love to see Sloopin do more coverage of the Congress Hotel. It is a beautiful building that unfortunately is a blight on Michigan Ave. As we all know, it is underused, prevents foot traffic from moving South and a general blight on the neighborhood. The economic/social/spacial waste is terrible for the city, and our neighborhood in particular. It would be great to see Sloopin contact all parties relevant to this seemingly unsolvable equation -- Unite, hotel admin/owners, politicos -- even the Mayor's office.

  6. Frank: the biggest issue is that Fioretti won't be replaced by a "Alderman" (singlur.) He lost the policital wars, and as a consequece OUR ward was gerimandered out of existence, forming a relatively small part of 3-4 other wards, each run by people who's main agenda lies elsewhere. The South Loop, as such, no longer has a representative. Once again, the citizens of Chicago are the ones screwed.

  7. Anon 12:40am - Huge investors have bought the Congress Hotel last month and I share the same sentiment as you do. I believe they are keeping part of it hotel, but adding Condos & more importantly RETAIL which will help continue the flow into the neighborhood. Here is one article, but there are many out there...

  8. Sloopr - I'm the previous anonymous poster on the Congress Hotel. I had not seen that it sold. That is fantastic news. I hope the labor issue is resolved and we see a turn around. $275 million seems like a steal for that place. I look forward to future coverage on it.

  9. Lets put things in perspective. The City Council just authorized 32 million dollars for two individuals who were wrongly treated by an enabled, corrupt, raciest police force. Spending 800K over four years for arguably good causes.....Really? Lets focus on the bigger picture. Than a few self interested, self important Alderman....maybe directed by the Mayor decimated the 2nd ward to hurt Alderman Fioretti who has continually fought for his constituents against the system. People need to wake up!

  10. I agree with all the commenters, Fioretti is a good Alderman that people like, therefore a threat to Rahm, Burke, Oconnor, Solis, Burnett.

    He used his authority to block things because constituents asked him too. The hot dog stand theme and name were opposed by all that lived in the area on the west side. The hotel was paying its house keepers minimum wage, they tried to organize a union and were fired. Remember the President of the USA (before he was somebody) stood with them and advocated for a deal for them. This was a big deal in 2007 over there and Fioretti did the right thing and tried to pressure them to settle. Ill take his moral stand for justice and constituent advocacy any day. Thats what we elect these people to do. We will be missing him in 2 or 3 years when the new aldermen do things with out the community's input. Remember Haithcock???

  11. Oh look, one of our new aldermen, who we didn't elect, wants to start using the new ward map for zoning decisions now:

    The British school/mcaffrey must really not want to deal with Fioretti. This should be rich.


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