
Saturday, March 17, 2012

Shots Around the Sloop: Wabash

(Hat tip: JH!)


  1. Love the site but when did it become a place for amateur photography. I get the rainbow connection with St. Patrick's Day. But some random angle on 15th and Wabash?

  2. I think the random college kids they apparently brought in are to blame for the recent useless post and pictures.

  3. It may be a little abstract but does this photo really bother you that much?

  4. What should bother you more is the fact that this building is a crumbling eye sore less than 2 years after it was constructed, is full of government-subsidized "owners," and the retail is completely vacant.

  5. Umm... I'm pretty sure it's not full of any owners, as it appears to be full of student and young professional renters. And what exactly is "crumbling," aside from the fact that the material used on the south side collects dirt easily in the winter?


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