
Sunday, June 12, 2011

Why are Casinos Ramping Up Advertising in the Sloop?

A reader writes:

Hi Sloopin -
I was driving home yesterday evening and was pretty surprised to see this huge Horseshoe Casino ad on the southeast corner of 18th and Canal. It looks like they are showing their nervousness about the potential casino in Chicago and are ramping up their advertising in the Sloop!

While we think the existing casinos are definitely nervous about a Chicago casino, we doubt this is in relation to that. Our guess is that they're simply trying to target people in Chinatown. But who knows...

(hat tip: LC!)


  1. Sloop would really benifit from a casino. Why send all that business to Indiana?

  2. Did you say the South Loop would benefit?
    Look into the histories of other local casino projects and how they caused more decline in the general area than anything resembling a benefit.
    Let Indiana and Joliet have the gambling, look how much life has improved there... not so much.

  3. Anonymous 9:37am Here are some reasons why Chicago can benefit from a casino. Money, money, money. That’s the main reason to be glad about a casino moving in. Casinos are taxed, so a casino means more revenue for your government and less tax dollars owed at tax season. State officials may be pushing for the casinos even if their constituents are against it because casinos bring in a lot of money for the state, money that can be put to use building schools, fixing bridges, and constructing roads. That money can also go to local homeless shelters or for community events. Casinos also bring in a lot of jobs, which is always nice for a community– especially in a recession. Casinos also have the benefit of offering both entry-level jobs and more experienced jobs. With casinos come tourists, which means a big boost for the tourism industry in your area. Small businesses may have an easier time staying in business. Hotels and restaurants could open up or receive a boost in sales.


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