
Thursday, June 9, 2011

Chicago in a Flash Mob Frenzy

If you've been watching or reading the news lately, you can't help but notice all the buzz about the "Flash Mob" incidents in the Gold Coast and near north neighborhoods (and other places around the city as well). These are horrible things and everyone needs to be cautious.

Interestingly enough, Mayor Emanuel and new police Superintendent Garry McCarthy have criticized the media for their reporting on the subject:
McCarthy cautioned reporters about characterizing crimes correctly, pointing to the differences between shoplifting, robbery and criminal mischief. And the mayor suggested journalists be more judicious in using the term "flash mob."

"We have to be sensitive to what it conjures up," Emanuel said. But the administration has played a role in creating the ongoing frenzy. Authorities slapped a mob action charge on some of the youths arrested in the attacks. And McCarthy has pushed "flash mob" into the Chicago crime vernacular since he arrived in May.

This is all strange to us, because when we initially heard flash mob we immediately thought about stunts like this:

Ironically, we just had a post where we questioned whether or not a flash mob descended on the Printer's Row lit fest (and not the violent type that has been in the news lately). Here was the video from that:

According to Wikipedia, the term Flash Mob was coined in NYC in 2003. The only reference to violence around flash mobs occurred in Phily back in 2009 and 2010.

Not to cause any panic, but a reader wrote this to us:
You should cover some of the mob attacks. One just happened around 1300 Roosevelt. Close to the sloop. I think the more attention/awareness the better.

Regardless, it doesn't matter what you call these things. Be careful when you're out and about. Hopefully this doesn't prevent you from enjoying summer in the Sloop and Chicago.

(Hat tip: PF!)


  1. The culprits: obvious. The solution: birth control.

  2. I used to be in favor of gun control. Now I'm starting to change my mind. Google bernie goetz. That ended much of NYCs public transit violent crimes.

  3. Not a flash mob. See "wilding" and "steaming". Nothing new here except poor journalism.

  4. i preface my post by writing i am a journalist.

    as a south loop resident, i want to know what's going on. i am glad i've read/heard about "flash mobs" because it's encouraged me, as well as my wife, to be more alert in the neighborhood.

    for the mayor's office, and even worse the police dept., to focus their disgust or disdain with the media for characterizing these crimes as "flash mobs" is disappointing at worst.

    it's amazing to me how the messenger routinely gets more attention than the message.

    postscript: should the chicago media do a better job covering the city? absolutely.

    cheers and be careful.

  5. As a long-time south loop resident and north side business owner, I feel especially qualified to speak about these incidents.

    FYI: this is why I will never move my clothing boutique from Old Town to the South Loop. Sadly, most all of my fellow business owners feel the same way. Here's why: these "mobs of teenage gang-banging criminals/animals" all live on the south side, just south of the sloop (it's a fact - take a look at the addresses of the 'adults' that have been charged in the wildings). Commercial stores in the sloop would be a sitting target.

    These criminals have to catch a red line @ either Chicago Ave or Grand Ave to escape from their North Side antics; in the sloop, they would just have to simply run south, or jump into a waiting car. This is on the mind of all commercial business owners.

    To those of you blaming high rent in the sloop for all the vacancies: not true. I pay way more in rent on wells street than I would ever pay on south michigan or at the roosevelt collection.

    To those of you blaming the economy for all the south loop commercial vacancies: go take a look at the commercial strips in old town, lakeview, Lincoln Park, Bucktown, West Town, etc. There are tons of new stores and outlets of established chains opening like crazy in all of these locations.

    The proximity to severe throngs of criminals will never allow the south loop to florish as a commercial destination. It's not racist, it's reality.

  6. As a long-time south loop resident and north side business owner, I feel especially qualified to speak about these incidents.

    FYI: this is why I will never move my clothing boutique from Old Town to the South Loop. Sadly, most all of my fellow business owners feel the same way. Here's why: these "mobs of teenage gang-banging criminals/animals" all live on the south side, just south of the sloop (it's a fact - take a look at the addresses of the 'adults' that have been charged in the wildings). Commercial stores in the sloop would be a sitting target.

    These criminals have to catch a red line @ either Chicago Ave or Grand Ave to escape from their North Side antics; in the sloop, they would just have to simply run south, or jump into a waiting car. This is on the mind of all commercial business owners.

    To those of you blaming high rent in the sloop for all the vacancies: not true. I pay way more in rent on wells street than I would ever pay on south michigan or at the roosevelt collection.

    To those of you blaming the economy for all the south loop commercial vacancies: go take a look at the commercial strips in old town, lakeview, Lincoln Park, Bucktown, West Town, etc. There are tons of new stores and outlets of established chains opening like crazy in all of these locations.

    The proximity to severe throngs of criminals will never allow the south loop to florish as a commercial destination. It's not racist, it's reality.

  7. I have a couple of things to say to Mr Old Town - you're kidding right~ These thugs dont live anyone near the South Loop. They not only live in the Far South Side, but very WEST when talking about the South Loop, but take a look at who lives 5-10 blocks West and North of Wicker, Bucktown, West Town & West Loop given the graffiti and crime. The SL gets tagged once in a blue moon by idiots, not real gangs. Business will come as the population continues to grow.. people don't realize that people in the South Loop dont really need hundreds of stores and bars, but it does need a bit more.

  8. Mr Old Town should really stop justifying why he hasn't moved/expanded his business to the south loop through incorrect racist rants. Go a few blocks south or west of Wells & North and you will find more low income housing than anywhere in the sloop.
    Your comment really disgusts me on how little you know about Chicago.

  9. I am the poster being labled "Mr. Old Town." First of all, I have lived in the city for 42 years (my entire life) and have lived in the south loop for 14 years. Whether you like my comments or not, they are true and based on my expansive network of small business owner friends, as well as my personal experience.
    You are insane if you don't think that proximity to Bronzeville, Englewood, the projects along west Roosevelt, etc. don't play a very real and very significant role in potential business owners flat-out ignoring this neighborhood.

    Yes, there are "housing projects" near Old Town and other north side neighborhoods; however, these "projects" have very few residents when compared to the massive portion of the south side littered with section 8 dwellers. Also, the CHA, for what it's worth, does a pretty good job of expelling residents with a certain amount of "strikes" against them from public housing. When that happens, where do you think these people go?

  10. Two words about the South Side / North Side debate: "Hyde Park."

    I'm a South Loop small business owner who lived in Hyde Park before moving to the South Loop. Regardless of whether crime happens more or less on the South Side or has south siders as the perps, Hyde Park has many small businesses and they continue to do well. Why can't the South Loop as well? I believe it can and will.

  11. Becuase Hyde Park is a well-established neighborhood (dating back decades) and is essentially a "college town" within the city. Most commercial in Hyde Park caters to students, faculty, and staff at U of C.

    On the other hand, a commercial enterprise setting up shop in the sloop would be a loner, a sitting duck target all alone.

  12. Agree with Mr. Old Town. While all of us know these savages don't live in the Sloop, our neighborhood is a gateway for their feral activities. The Roosevelt stop is a prime example.

    Under current entitlement policy, you are probably already paying for an iphone for these idiots.

  13. Would you mind stepping forward and identifying your business so I can avoid it?

  14. I am the SL Chef for 30 years.
    I want business owners to know that
    the south loop is a vibrant location for new business. Look at our business and CD Cleaners on 22nd and Cermak. If not the busiest drycleaning store, it certainly is of them. If you know your business and you offer a value to the customer, you will do ok. I am a resident of SL for 20 years and enjoyoryacptl living in SL and will continue to do so. As far as vagarant are concerned, they are here because they make money. If you feed a dog at your door, you will have a difficult time to get rid of the dog. Don't feed them They will go away.
    Don't buy used iPhone from shaddy store fronts or flea markets. You know these are stolen items.

  15. Im going to agree with Old Town's business owner. The city is stuffed full of public housing and it's literally destroyed all of the west side and most of the south side. The red line and Chicago Bus are the conduits to the wastelands that where once good neighborhoods with tax paying citizens. Nothing short of ending public housing and subsidies will stem the outflow of tax payers and inflow of criminals and decay.

  16. ditto @anon at 5:17 PM, please Mr. Old Town, tell us the name of your business, so we can all avoid it. And @markchicago, you think kids on welfare have iPhones? Right. Reminds me of Reagan's racist "welfare queens driving Cadillacs" ....

    and I love how crime on the north side is being turned into yet another reason to trash the South Loop. huh?

    Oh, and @Patrick. Bernie Goetz did NOT end NYC public transit violence. It took serious police work and changes in strategy. A turnaround of NY generally. Oh, and demographic changes. But believe your Dirty Harry fantasy, if you want. Facts obviously don't matter to you.

  17. Waffles - NEW RESTAURANT AT 1400 S MICHIGAN ! Mr Old Town - good point, but the South Loop being so large might a have a feeling that companies are not coming, but they have been coming in left and right. Restaurants, salons, medical, clothing, etc...

  18. I agree markchicago:

    We all know where and how the low lives get here.
    Here is my solution:
    1. Limit social socials to the singles mothers after 2 children. Racial
    2. Racial profile young black men
    dressed in hip hop style.
    (seriously what r they doing inthe gold coast?)

    3. Stop voting for antigun politicians/ social welfare supporting politicians that cause these people to breed uncontrollably.

  19. How can anyone call 1300 Roosevelt "close to the Sloop". It's at least three neighborhoods away and separated by a major expressway.

  20. Another shop owner murdered this weekend in Englewood. Nobody in custody. Video footage shows 4 teens savagely beating and murdering this innocent business owner. All four of these teens are walking the streets and can catch a green or red line train into the heart of the sloop within 5 minutes from Englewood. Guess again why busniness owners aren't exactly lining up to set up shop in this neighborhood?

  21. Someone was killed in Humbolt Park too! Oh my god, they can grab a bus and come right into Wicker, Bucktown or Old Town! Anon 9:13 - will you please shut up!

  22. "can catch a green or red line train into the heart of the sloop within 5 minutes from Englewood"

    Just think, the Mag Mile is only 4 more stops on the Red Line. They should consider relocating.

    Get lost.

  23. These throngs actually stick out like a sore thumb on the Mag Mile. Not so much at State and Roosevelt.

    Again, attacking the guy complaining about crime is as bad as endorsing the criminals.

    The whole point of this thread (per Sloopy's initial post), is to remind people "to be careful when out and about," which is exactly what my last post was meant to do.


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