Thursday, March 24, 2011

Alliance for a Greener South Loop Touts Earth Day

We recently received an email from the Alliance for a Greener South Loop asking us to bring some attention to Earth Day, which is this Saturday, March 26th. It's an important event and wanted to give it some pub:
Earth Hour is a global initiative that invites individuals, businesses, governments and communities to turn off their lights for one hour – 8:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 26. Will the South Loop’s commitment to the environment shine through its darkness for one hour?
They also give you tips on what you can do to take part in the event:
What can YOU do?
  • Talk to your building management about posting a notice to residents to Turn Off Your Lights!
  • Ask your friends and neighbors to do the same in their buildings.
  • Staying home on Saturday, March 26? Switch off lights for Earth Hour at 8:30 p.m., and celebrate a commitment to the planet with the people of the world;
  • Planning to eat out on Friday, March 26? Call ahead and ask the restaurant if they’ll have lights out and candles on for the evening;
  • Use the logo on your website, blog, or e-mail signature (jpeg attached, or go to
  • Help us document Earth Hour around us. Post before and after pictures of the neighborhood on the Alliance’s Facebook page.
  • The Alliance for a Greener South Loop presents the first annual Earth Hour
    Tweet-Up: tweet @GreenSouthLoop and tell us where you are and what’s going on where you are during Earth Hour.
  • Sustain environmentally-focused actions beyond the hour and share what you
    did in the the South Loop at by commenting on this blog post and with the world.
  • Sign up and share stories of actions that benefit the planet on
(Hat tip: GM!)

1 comment:

Christina said...

My boyfriend and I participated in Earth Hour a couple years ago. While it really makes you aware of just how much you use lights and electricity, it was nice to have an "unplugged" evening. Dinner by candlelight and actual conversation instead of staring open-mouthed at the tv.