
Sunday, January 30, 2011

A Super Bowl for the South Loop?

David Haugh from the Chicago Tribune thinks it should be considered:
We missed out on the 2016 Olympics, but there's no reason the masses here can't enjoy an equally compelling sporting event with international appeal this decade. Chicago's next mayor immediately would have a project worth pushing that would please voters and potentially pump a half-billion dollars into the local economy. The league and the NFL owners who vote on such things easily could sell the idea of awarding the event to the NFL's second-largest market that's the home of a charter franchise.

Anybody who rides the "L" can come up with reasons it wouldn't work in Chicago: winter weather, Soldier Field currently is 8,500 seats shy of the 70,000-seat minimum the league requires for Super Bowl stadiums, traffic, Oprah's exit, etc. On the other hand, imagine how satisfying it would be for whoever develops creative solutions to problems standing between Chicago and the marquee sporting event it deserves.


  1. I'd say look out your window about now, and you'll know why Chicago ain't gonna get the Super Bowl

  2. That's funny...I was just thinking the same thing!


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