
Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Sloopin Stop?

It's a possibility...

According to the trib, the CTA will sell naming rights to EL stations, bus routes, etc.

What would you rather have the Roosevelt El stop renamed as "The Jewel Stop" or "The Sloopin Stop". We just need some donations!


  1. I think the Center for Disease Control should sponsor them all.

  2. As long as they keep the current name in the stop, I don't care. If it's called the Jewel Roosevelt stop that's fine, but to call it just the Jewel stop would be confusing, since you can't tie it to a street location anymore.

  3. I think selling the naming rights is an inevitable, too tempting option in this economy. It's sad. Soon everything will have some pointlessly cumbersome marketing tactic tied to it. We already have Verizon halftime, Doritos Bowl, US Cellular Field. Does EVERYTHING have to be about making money? Is nothing safe? Anybody seen the movie Idiocracy? That's what we're headed for.

  4. How about "The Bird Crap" stop?

  5. I think if the companies sponsor the stop and are responsible for cleaning and maintaining the area then more power to them. I would really like the el track pillars off 18th painted. The rust is not pretty.


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