
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Expansion is a Good Thing

It has come to our attention that two of the relatively new retail spots in the Sloop have either expanded or are in the process of expanding.

We've posted about South Loop Market expanding (in the 1720 S. Michigan building) and it looks like they've officially done that by acquiring space next door to their existing store (the retail space directly North of their current spot). We peaked in and it looks like it's mostly been used to add new merchandise. A nice expansion by a nice market.

The other place that looks to be expanding is Lou Malnatti's on South State street (805 S. State). If you've ever gone by or been to Lou's for dinner, you know it's usually busy and that's why it makes sense for them to expand.

All in all, a good sign to see two businesses doing well and expanding in the Sloop.


  1. It would be great for Lou Malnatti's to inform the manager of the Sloop restaurant that the interior lights are way too bright in the dining areas. They haven't answered by many messages that the atmosphere of the place resembles a bus station.

  2. Any word on Groupons?

  3. I disagree, I think that the lights are perfect there. I like that its not a dingy place

  4. Flo & Santos is also expanding after this winter. They are knocking their exterior wall out that runs along the vacant lot between them & Subway and they are expanding the dining room. (They also have a semi-permanent tent in their parking lot with additional big screens during Bears games, FYI)

  5. Flo & Santos expansion is needed. They really have an opportunity to set up something where it is a covered deck where we are able to watch sports OUTSIDE. The South Loop is lacking this type of venue. Jimmy Greens is the closest thing to having the windows open without being outside.

  6. Regarding Flo & Santos. I wish they'd make this into an indoor/outdoor type area, but it's great to hear they're doing well enough to expand.

  7. three words on Flo & Santos...

    Buffalo Pork Wings!


  8. If Flo & Santos is expanding into the lot between it and Subway, why is there still a For Sale sign prominantly displayed on that lot?

    I think this is more BS from the same people that speculated about a Trader Joe's at Wabash and Roosevelt.


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