
Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Shots Around the Sloop: Helicopter at Target

A reader writes:
Hey Sloopin,

Just wanted to let you know that Target has been busy preparing for the addition of an enhanced grocery department. My living room overlooks the rooftop, and over the the last few weeks I've noticed a lot of construction activity. I asked one of the Target associates what was going on, and she informed me that the improvements were for the enhanced grocery department. This morning I woke up to a helicopter air-lifting refrigeration units to the roof. (See attached video.) The interior transformation is due to start soon. Exciting. I already love the convenience of the select grocery items at Target, looking forward to the additional produce, meats, etc.

Additional photos here and here.

(Hat Tip: JP & Marty!)


  1. Helicpoter? Is that what happens when you cross Harry Potter with a helicopter?

  2. I would like to see Target's version of an "enhanced grocery department". I imagine more shelves of "natural" processed food and a deli with pre-packaged meats & cheeses...

    I think I'll stick with Whole "wallet" Foods & Trader Joe's

  3. I heard it will be complete by the end of July.

  4. I'm sure it just means they're adding items like fresh fruit and veggies. A lot of the suburban Targets have already gone through this change.

  5. This is great news. Plus, it could potentially eliminate the need to do any grocery shopping at the hellhole known as Jewel.

  6. It would have made more sense to have built this space in the first place. My understanding was that they (Target) didn't feel there was a demand for it with the other chains already here, or were in the works at the time.(Whole Foods) I guess they found out differently.

    Too bad, it would have been nice to have a Super Target there in the first place.


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