
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Harper Gallery Opens at 1915 S. Michigan

A reader writes:

I visited the grand opening of Harper Gallery last week and found it to be
a perfect addition to the South Loop. Chicago Journal had an article about
the gallery and I took a couple of pictures while there (posted below, but may
show up very small).

Glad to see another store opening up on that stretch of South Michigan Avenue. We will definitely be checking it out soon.

For those also interested in the area we had a post about two more places opening up on the 1900 block of south Michigan Avenue.
(Hat Tip: SoloMotorow!)


  1. That's awesome. Seems like this area, south of Roosevelt, is starting to be an art scene. I thought galleries would be more towards north Sloop. Threepeasartlounge that's nearby always seem to be packed on certain nights (artist talk?)

  2. Three Peas Art Lounge is completely dead empty 95% of the time.

  3. Patronage of the Fine Arts was in serious decline prior to the economy crash . . . it'll be a while before you see a serious up-tick.

  4. Harper Gallery...Next art opening August 27th,2010 from 5:30 to 9:30. We are featuring five amazing and diverse artists. Come join us. If you would like to receive our invites please email


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