
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Obama's Special Olympic Comment Could Affect Chicago 2016

This week President Obama appeared on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno for a unique interview which unfortunately produced a so called gaffe about the Special Olympics:

As we watched this segment, we didn't even notice Obama's zinger, but thanks to the main stream media it seemed as if it was plastered all over the place the next day.

Today, two articles take it a step further and talk about how this comment could effect the Chicago 2016 Olympics (Around the Rings and Chicago Examiner). As we know, Chicago 2016 has pinned much of its bid on the celebrity and popularity of Obama. When one of your main spokespeople directly or in this case indirectly insults a major constituency naturally things could backfire. During the Tonight Show gaffe Obama offended the Special Olympics and at the end of the day they will have a voice in which city is chosen to host the Olympics. Will this sway the vote? Doubtful, but again it can't help...or can it...

Ironically, all this press has given the Special Olympics a platform to talk about their organization and goals. As the old advertising mantra goes: There is no such thing as bad press.


  1. Obama's comment is unforgiveable. It should prove to many of you who we have running this country. People with disabilities do not need or deserve such abuse. Shame on you Mr. President.

  2. Hogwash. Utter nonsense. If you hold one man's comments--granted, a very powerful man now--against Chicago to host the Oly's, then you lose sight of what they're-and Obama are about-- bringing unity to a world.

  3. Well this is what happens when Obama is unscripted.

    Why is he on Leno anyway? Doesn't he have an important 'day' job?

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  6. People reveal their true mindset in little slips like this.Obama believes he is better , smarter , and truly one of the intellectual elite.Belittling those he sees as being of lesser worth, is of no consequence to him.

  7. Ironically, earlier in the day (prior to the gaffe) Obama actually answered a question about people with disabilities.

    Also, the Washington Post defends obama:

  8. Obama's remark was unfortunate and a mistake.
    And he apologized.
    But at least give him a chance to be President and observe his actual policies toward those with disabilities. He has been defended by advocates with disabilities as a public official deeply concerned about
    helping disabled people.
    My guess is that he will be one of our most pro-active Presidents on disability issues.
    THAT would be the true test of his sensitivity toward the disabled.

  9. The President's "mistake" was a gaffe (albeit an introspective one) -- and one of many in his short presidency so far. But the failed nominations, the misstatements by some nominees who do get through the process, the release of communiques with potential adversaries, etc., etc. and so forth are starting to add up as Mr. Obama's poll numbers go down.

    As far as the Chicago Olympics is concerned -- I believe my hometown is much the better for not holding that political monstrosity. I don't care what the Little Caesar in the mayors office thinks.

  10. People make mistakes. He made one. He is as imperfect as anyone else. Hopefully, this is a wake-up call to his ego, as well. It proves that no one should get a free pass on any issue. In the end, actions will speak louder than (mistakenly-spoken) words.

  11. Everyone makes inappropriate comments. How many of us have referred to ourselves as short bus riders when we make mistakes. The president had an option which no one has mentioned. Leno is a taped show. He could have asked for a do over. He did not. What he did was prior to the show being broadcast call the head of Special Olympics and apologize. This is a the sign of a true leader. How much longer are we going to allow others to distract us from real issues with non-issues. The real reason Chicago will not get the Olympics is the corruption and incompetence of its government. i.e. Mayor Daley. Isnt that how all of this mess was able to get started.


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